Solar Commercial Water Heater are a great investment for companies that use hot water or industrial heating. The savings and returns can be very lucrative and in certain areas such as the USA, grants and tax credits can help to provide paybacks as low as 2-3 years. In Canada accelerated tax savings are offered to help companies invest in commercial solar water heaters. Business in the Caribbean are also ideal as energy cost are very expensive and even without any incentive commercial solar water heaters provide excellent returns!
Going Green- Solar water heating for commercial building and business also builds good will and strengthens branding. Studies show that consumers are very green conscious and do prefer to deal with companies that show leadership in environmental impact. Solar water heaters are a visible sign that shows to consumer “We Care” and should be considered as part of the overall marketing of a business.
Commercial Solar Tax Credits in Canada
50% Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance for Clean Energy Generation
A 50% accelerated CCA is provided under Class 43.2 of Schedule II to the Income Tax Regulations for specified clean energy generation equipment. Eligible equipment includes solar thermal, solar air and solar photovoltaic equipment while project size restrictions have been eliminated. Class 43.2 was introduced in 2005 and is currently available for assets acquired on or after February 23, 2005. For more information consult with an accountant.
Commercial Solar Tax Credits in USA
Federal Tax Credits for Commercial Solar Heating
In the USA the federal business energy investment tax credit which was made available under 26 USC sec46 was expended in October of 2008 by the Energy Improvement and Extension act. This new law extended the duration by 8 more years until 2016. The act allows for a 30% tax credit on all investment in commercial solar water heating equipment including installation costs, design and project management costs. For more information consult with an accountant
State and Municipal Tax Credits for Commercial Solar Heating
There are a vast number of tax credits available at the state and municipal level. There are also many incentive programs that are sponsored by Energy Companies. In order to find a detailed list of all the tax credits available we recommend you visit the DSIRE Solar Policy Information for a detailed list state by state of the available financial programs.
Click for more information
Why Commercial Solar Water Heating?
....because this is where your best returns are. Evacuated Tube Solar Collectors will produce hot water for you FREE of charge for many years to come.
With residential Systems, the size of the system is limited by the low demand of hot water. Commercial Solar Systems are different. The amount of heat used in most commercial applications is usually so large that you are not going to have an issue with dumping heat. It is likely that only 20% to 60% of the total hot water will be provided by Solar. This means the system works very efficiently, using 100% of the Solar Heat being produced.
The systems work more or less the same as residential systems, except they are larger in scale.
It’s like buying a piece of machinery for your business. To maximize the revenue, you get from that equipment, you want it to be working all the hours possible. There is not much point buying it, if it only works for a couple of hours a day. The same applies to Solar - with commercial solar applications your heat demand is usually so large the solar will be supplying you FREE heat from morning to night. Like any piece of equipment commercial solar water heater are an asset and can be written off.
Engineering Design for Solar Water Heating
If you want to discuss a commercial solar water heating project, contact us and let us know some details about your project.
We will call you to discuss your project. The next step should you wish to proceed would be a preliminary FREE engineering study to determine the scope of the project. We use customize PolySun Solar Simulation Software in which our pre-engineered design has been incorporated and tested by PolySun. This allows us to give a very accurate estimate of the pay backs and returns on investment into a commercial solar water heater.

Solar BTU's per Day
Our collectors produce the best cost per BTU of any vacuum tube collectors we can find. This table shows the output of our collectors in a few different climates compared to other solar collectors. This data was produced using SRCC Data which is the only way to accurately compare different collectors. Our Vacuum tubes top the charts at the highest BTU/APP (Apperature area)!
Why use Evacuated Tube Collectors for commercial applications?
The answer is real life experience - Evacuated tubes produce more heat.
The Canadian Government ecoENERGY program for commercial solar water heating ended in March 2011. This program was set up to promote commercial solar water heating projects in Canada.
There were 16 large scale solar commercial water heating projects in Canada between 400 m2 in size, up to 840 m2 in size approved under the EcoEnergy Commercial Grant. These were the largest solar water heating projects in Canada.
To give you an idea of the scale, a 500 m2 system would be over 3200 tubes.
Of these 16 projects...
- ....14 projects used Evacuated Tubes, Latitude51 Solar Supplied some of these projects.
- .... the other 2 used Flat Plate collectors.
Draw your own conclusions from this, commercial projects want heat, lots of it, and 88% of all the biggest projects in Canada used Evacuated tubes, as these produce more heat in cold and cloudy conditions that are typical in Canada and Northern USA.